The People

Erik & Laura Beth Buland

Laura Beth grew up raising Shetland Sheepdogs on a small farm in Central Indiana. Her love of dogs grew as she showed her Shelties in 4-H for obedience, showmanship and agility. Though she stopped raising and showing dogs while she attended Oklahoma State University for Agricultural Economics, she quickly acquired a loyal Golden Retriever after college while living on her own.

Erik developed a love for dogs as a kid with his family's pets. Quick to provide treats and toys for dogs at any opportunity, he tends to be a dog favorite at MOM's B&B.

The couple became fascinated by the Bernese Mountain Dog breed of "gentle giants" when learning of their friendly, happy temperament. In fact, temperament is the most important foundational piece of the MOM's B & B breeding program. Now, the couple works hard to ensure they're doing their part to improve the Bernese Mountain Dog breed.

The Bulands love the work they do at their farm and are thrilled to offer sweet Bernese Mountain Dog puppies to pet owners!